  1. HIdden

Written from and about my San Francisco point of view. Well, part of it. It actually goes back into my dancer days when I was in an abusive relationship. I felt scared, broken, battered on so many levels. What was I doing, why, and who was I really? Those were the pertinent questions I was asking myself. I drank a lot of rhine wine and jack daniels with diet coke. The fog part was San Fran inspired though. Same with the Carl Sanders poem where the fog rolls in on little cat feet.
John Wicks drums, Jay Terrien – bass, jean – acoustic guitar, synth, guitar synth, caspar solo (victor bisetti on percussion)


Bird in my window, she crashes into my oak tree
Broken and battered, that bird looks exactly like me
Heaven can wait for those who can wait
For those who can’t wait, well you know it’s too late

And the fog rolls in, and I can’t see, this broken heart is hidden from me,
hidden from me

kaleidescope vision I see all my faces of Eve
prisms reflecting illusions of my make believe
piecing together what’s left of my heart
fragmented splinters served up ala carte

And the fog rolls in, and I can’t see, this broken heart is hidden from me,
hidden from me

pour me another and serve it up tall
darkness please catch me as I slowly fall

And the fog rolls in, and I can’t see, this broken heart is hidden from me,
hidden from me